2007年4月21日 星期六

Global Warming

Global Warming is one of hottest topic recently. Since last year, I could feel the weather has much different then used to be. For example, Northern California usually begin to snowfall after Thanksgiving about beginning of November, but in this year, it started to fall snow at beginning of January; furthermore, the weather in the bay area usually stop raining after March, but now weather report shows the climate still has chance to rain in next few weeks. Therefore, the seasons have not become as normal as before, and I understand that global warming is a serious problem that can’t neglect it.

When I start to concern the problems of global warming, I recognized that it is not only the weather becomes unpredictable, but also it causes the damage of economy from the global warming. Some scholars think because of global warming is mainly reason to increase the temperature of sea surface. The first requirement of becoming a hurricane is that the temperature of the sea surface must be up to 26 degrees Celsius. There is no creditable evident to show that higher temperature of sea surface can increase the number of hurricanes became, but some people believed that when the temperature of sea surface reach up to 26 degrees Celsius can cause the number of destructiveness of the hurricanes becoming major hurricanes (category 4 and up) has increased. So there have some relationship between destructiveness of hurricanes and economy losses, for example, the hurricane Katrina made the Unite State lost $81.2 billion dollars in 2005, and this number only showed the cost of damage when that time. The estimated number didn’t include the intangible such as people could not continue to wok after Katrina hurt; also government had to set up a budget to aid people to settle down.

This problem is only a comer of iceberg, and more troubles like the sea level has risen because of the global warming. The prediction shows Manhattan will vulnerable to flooding about 1 meter (3 feet) by 2100. Even though some countries will disappear and the governments have to decide to abandon their grounds and to move another land or countries; in addition, it is because the temperature of the Earth goes up and mortify the climate system, the agriculture patterns changed. According the studying, the percentage of rainfall in the area of tropic is getting less, but the countries of toward poles are gaining rainfall increasingly. So the people in tropical countries can not produce enough major food, which is rice, with only little rainfall; poleward countries like Canada also can not plant their agricultural products with profuse water.

In March 2007, thing has been changed, because California passed the Clear Air Act. The mainly propose is reducing the emission of carbon dioxide by burning the gasoline from the cars. Carbon dioxide is the most element to trap heat in atmosphere, and also increasing the emission of greenhouse gas. California government is going to enforce this rule beginning from 2009 years by requiring automakers increasing the population number of hybrid car and decreasing the number of tradition car, which movement by burning the fuel. The estimated number of doing this action will decrease greenhouse gas emission about 30% in 2019 year. Following this action, California is a leader to direct other 17 states either passed the same action or considered copying California’s law to require automakers to cut greenhouse as emission from cars staring with the 2009 model years and the amount of cutting in greenhouse gas emission will increasingly from 30% to 50% by others’ following. . However, it is a grand step and also important action to lead people survival within 10 decades in the futures. I believe that might have more countries willing follow and agree what CA has done within next few years.
